Friday, November 13, 2009

Raven cookie BLUNDER

My life says to my friend.

"You have no friends, I mean. Your friend, you know, the one that inhabits me as...I'm his life. Except he has no life. He also has no friends"

My friend....I think he was my friend....Says unto him...

"If he has no life...what are you...?

"I am...Busty McBoobrack."

I looked at my...My "friend" and my..."friend" said...At least, I think he said this...I cannot be to sure, After all, I'm deaf and can't lip read. He said

"I want a lukewarm blueberry in my sash please"

Or he might have also said

"Ich habe eine Katze Weg und WeiBe und ARBEITGAMEINESCHAFTEN afrika meine hausaufgabe ist mein kaputt und meine oma ist KAPUTT RICHTIG ODER FALSCH. Oder hast du eine krabbenburger?"

BUT my mom thinks he "said"

"nosotros es muy benjamin franklin, y soy eres hambergesa, en mi pantelones es muy sabroso. OIALLACHACHA!!"

Then I thought to myself...What if he said...

" Toy ray wa doko des kahhh??? WATASHI WAH! KAWAII DESU!"

But what he really said, I found this out much later, toward my death, an angel whispered in my ear...


(I understood what he said on account that he was an angel and therefor my deafness didn't matter)


  1. Unless the Na'vi was a meanie I wouldn't want him to leave.
    What sort of cereal can you put marsmellows in with?
    I enjoyed the second riddle.

  2. :) i like being in your silly stories.
