Thursday, November 19, 2009


I heard he was homofabulous
I heard this from my friend.

She happens to gossip alot.

In a videogame she would be called the "gossping lady"

I know because this one time I was playing this one cool game (the game was cool because it had this one dinosaur that could shoot heatseeking sharks out its chest that explode.) and there was an NPC called "gossiping lady" and she had blonde hair with brown eyes and was moderatly chubchub.

Just like my gossiping friend.

The resemblance was uncanny. I dare say it was the most uncanny of all.

But I have no evidence of its uncannyness nor do I have an educated guess so I'll just rate the uncannyness of this out of 10.



  1. you're incredibly random.
    ...i don't know how to get more in depth than that...

  2. It could shoot heatseeking sharks out if its chest that explode? That is awsome!
