Thursday, December 10, 2009


Once the spirit of a kind old man, Mr. Fauno now inhabits puddles on misty Monday mornings.

(Sunday mornings.)

If you can sneak up quietly to a puddle and whisper a question to it, Mr. Fauno will find the answer in the memories of others who have cast their reflection in the puddles mirror-like surface. Before you go to sleep that night, Mr. Fauno will rasp the answer quietly in your ear. Most forget what they were told the next morning, however.

(They always remember.)
But Mr. Fauno doesn't mind, and being forgetful never hurt anyone.
And who knows?
Maybe you should try it sometime, and remember not to forget.

Mr. Fauno. Yes I drew this.
Why anyone would talk to a puddle is anyones guess.

Even yours.

(except yours)


  1. you're an amazing artist.
    and this story has a REALLY REALLY good idea!
    you should put more detail into it and write more. :P
    i love this part: "If you can sneak up quietly to a puddle and whisper a question to it, Mr. Fauno will find the answer in the memories of others who have cast their reflection in the puddles mirror-like surface."

  2. hmm, interesting concept i wanna meet Mr.Fauno

    it reminds of that movie Pan's Labyrinth
    you might like it :)

  3. I like the first part of your story, but I was disappointed with the ending.
